Motion to discuss pilot project on Stanley Avenue

At the New Edinburgh Community Alliance’s (NECA’s) annual general meeting on Oct. 27, 2022, board members and residents will be discussing the following motion concerning the proposal for a pilot project to close a small portion of Stanley Avenue near the New Edinburgh Park Fieldhouse (203 Stanley Ave.) to create space for additional public amenities.

If you would like to share your thoughts on this proposal, please join NECA on Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. either at the Fieldhouse (203 Stanley Ave.) or online, as the meeting will be in a hybrid format.

Motion to provide the basis for discussion with the City of Ottawa about the Terms of Reference for a Pilot Project on Stanley Avenue

Whereas policy 3–4 of the draft Transportation Master Plan update prescribes “pilot street designs that function as ‘places'” and “seasonal repurposing of streets for place-making activities” whereby streets that border parks are among the most appropriate; and

Whereas the New Edinburgh Community Alliance (NECA) and the Crichton Community Council (CCC) wish to enhance the use of New Edinburgh Park for use by the community; and

Whereas Stanley Avenue between River Lane and the New Edinburgh Park Fieldhouse is non-essential from a motor vehicle through traffic perspective; and

Whereas the public space of New Edinburgh Park between the Rideau River and Stanley Avenue between Dufferin Road and the Fieldhouse is very narrow, thereby compressing the intensive recreational uses and natural functions of the vegetated landscape;

Therefore be it resolved that NECA in collaboration with CCC solicit the City of Ottawa to launch a two- to four-month trial of repurposing a segment of Stanley Avenue in front of the New Edinburgh Park Fieldhouse for place-making such that

  • place-making is realized with amenities for public use added onto the repurposed road segment during the trial period. Examples of desired (none in particular are required) amenities are: 
  • seating
  • planter boxes with community volunteer installed/maintained vegetation or otherwise
  • art, cultural, or educational based installation(s)
  • game or activity-based installation(s)
  • food and beverage service(s)
  • only emergency, park maintenance and other such authorized motor vehicles are permitted to drive through the repurposed road segment during the trial period
  • on-street parking availability is maintained for users of the Fieldhouse and surrounding public space; and

be it further resolved that the CCC in collaboration with NECA work with the City of Ottawa to activate the repurposed portion of Stanley Avenue with community programming and events; and

be it further resolved that during and upon completion of the pilot, NECA, CCC and the City jointly assess the degree to which the roadway’s closure to motorized through traffic impacts

  • the usage and user satisfaction of New Edinburgh Park and the Fieldhouse
  • the volume of interprovincial and other motorized traffic cutting through New Edinburgh
  • traffic elsewhere in the neighbourhood, e.g., along Crichton Street, River Lane or MacKay Street
  • parking availability
  • the neighbouring community

Lane loop winter walk: help launch a new tradition

By Justin Swan (this article originally appeared in the October 2021 edition of the New Edinburgh News)

One feature that makes New Edinburgh unique is its lanes. Mostly hidden to passing visitors, the lanes are interesting walking routes that offer a slow, human-scale contrast to the city.

The old homes, charming garages, trees, and hydro poles pushed up against the narrow quiet streets are an important anchor of local heritage. 

Last year, after a few people decorated poles on River Lane with lights, others started to do the same. The effort spread to people’s homes and backyards facing the lane and it gradually became a nightly winter walking route for many residents.

Moving forward, we want to make it even better and we need your help to make it happen. Over time, the hope is to have every house, apartment, tree, and fence facing the “New Ed Lane Loop” to be decorated with lights during the holiday season.

The path including Avon Lane, School Lane, and River Lane creates a loop when you include the short section of Dufferin Road connecting Avon and River Lanes. Let’s light up the loop and make it a memorable winter tradition!

Our vision: Make the New Ed Lane Loop a memorable winter holiday walk for the community. It is:

  • a novel way for people to socialize, connect, and create shared memories
  • a new perspective of the neighbourhood
  • a fun and lasting annual tradition

We need your help! Please complete our two-question survey:

Justin Swan and his wife Lindsey MacKinnon have lived on River Lane for six years with their two children.