Our Mission: In the most welcoming atmosphere and with the deepest respect for all persons, we are committed, in partnership with the residents of Rideau-Rockcliffe Ward 13, to promote a process of individual and collective empowerment and improvement in the quality of life.
Our Vision: Hand in hand with the community of Rideau-Rockcliffe Ward 13, we envision a secure, dignified and rewarding life for all its residents.
Volunteers play an important role by contributing to the daily flow and the success of the Centre’s activities. These are some of the opportunities which may be available.
The Emergency Food Program
After school programs for children and youth
Community celebrations
March Break activities
International Women’s Day activities
Income Tax preparation
Neighbourhood Good Food Markets
Working with parents and young children 0 to 6 years of age
Other activities
Steps to follow to become a Rideau Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre volunteer:
Please contact Bonnie at (613) 745-0073, ext. 110, to complete an application form, schedule an interview, provide references, and receive information to help you decide the best way to use your abilities in service to community. A full orientation will be given before you begin to volunteer.
Thank you for considering to volunteer at our Centre!