(Scroll down for latest edition and archives)
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The New Edinburgh News (NEN) is a non- profit community newspaper established in 1976. It is published five times a year by the New Edinburgh Community Alliance (NECA) and is supported by its advertisers. The New Edinburgh News is distributed free of charge by volunteers to New Edinburgh residents as well as to area schools, libraries and local businesses. Views expressed in the NEN are those of contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff, the publisher or the advertisers.
Managing Editor: Sharon Nyangweso, newednews@hotmail.com
Co-Editor: Karen Squires editor@newedinburgh.ca
Advertising Manager: Michelle McLean ads@newedinburgh.ca
Production Manager: Dave Rostenne, production@newedinburgh.ca
Bookkeeper: Nicholas Galambos bookkeeper@newedinburgh.ca
Distribution Manager: John Leefe
Proofreaders: Adrienne Blair, Inge Vander Horst
Classified Ad Rates: $10 for the first 25 words; $5 for each additional 25 words, payable on submission of ad. Public service ads (such as lost & found) are free. Email newednews@hotmail.com to arrange your classified ad.
Events Calendar: This is a free calendar listing for events taking place in New Edinburgh and neighbouring communities. The editor reserves the right to edit submissions for length and content. Events will be published in the NEN and on this website. Send your event listing details to editor@newedinburgh.ca.
Publication dates: NEN publishes five times a year: October, December, February, April and June.
Deadlines for editorial and advertising submissions:
Editorial submissions and advertising are due on the 5th day of the month prior to publication:
- Sept. 5 for October issue
- Nov. 5 for December issue
- Jan. 5 for February issue
- March 5 for April issue
- May 5 for June issue
Advertising submissions are due on the 10th day of the month prior to publication:
- Sept. 10 for October issue
- Nov. 10 for December issue
- Jan. 10 for February issue
- March 10 for April issue
- May 10 for June issue
Submission Guidelines:
Articles, photos and letters to the editor may be submitted to the editor. The editor reserves the right to edit for length, content and legal considerations. Submissions selected for publication will be published in both a hardcopy and an electronic version. Letters to the editor must include the writer’s name, address and phone number to be considered for publication.
Send print-ready ads to ads@newedinburgh.ca. Preferred file format is high resolution PDF with fonts embedded. Technical questions regarding format and press requirements should be addressed to the ad manager.
Printed in Montreal, Que. by Transcontinental Printing
NEN Advisory Committee
Prior to each edition, the Advisory Committee meets with the New Edinburgh News editor to discuss the next edition. Committee members consist of former NEN editors, members of NECA and CCC, as well as any other neighbours interested in the making of the community newspaper.
ISSN 0703-9042