Heritage and Development Committee


On behalf of the NECA Board of Directors, the Committee monitors proposals for property development in New Edinburgh, undertakes associated reviews and studies, convenes meetings and makes submissions to City and Provincial planning bodies as necessary.

The purpose of the Committee is to encourage compliance with Ottawa zoning by-laws, heritage requirements, infill housing design guidelines and the existing Neighbourhood Plan for New Edinburgh in a manner that is sympathetic and appropriate to the character, needs and wishes of this community.

For more details see NECA Heritage and Development Mandate and Terms of Reference.


  • Gail McEachern, Chair and NECA Board Member
  • Victoria Solan
  • David Sacks
  • David Rudkin
  • Carolyn Brereton
  • Joan Mason


If you have concerns about a new proposed development, please contact Gail at gailmceachern@rogers.com.