The New Edinburgh Park Fieldhouse at 203 Stanley Avenue is a community meeting place and event centre. Since its opening in 1998, the Fieldhouse has served as the heart of the New Edinburgh neighbourhood. It is available for public and private meetings and is an excellent venue for birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, memorials and other celebrations of all kinds. The Fieldhouse is managed by volunteers of the Crichton Community Council (CCC). The City of Ottawa owns the Fieldhouse and has a longstanding Use Management Agreement with the CCC. Revenue generated by the CCC from the rental of the Fieldhouse funds community events, programs and initiatives.
Information about reserving the Fieldhouse for your event is available below.
Link to: Online Reservation System
The Fieldhouse is equipped with tables and chairs to seat 71 people (39 moulded plastic chairs, 32 folding plastic chairs, 8 folding tables (4 x 6 foot long tables and 4 x 8 foot long tables). Some tables and chairs are stored in a locked area. The maximum capacity is approximately 125 people. The Ontario Building Code defines the occupant load capacity of the building. The maximum capacity of the building varies depending on the building’s use. (Large groups may need to rent portable toilets to ensure that the facilities on site satisfy the needs of the group.) It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that that their use of the building does not exceed the limits set by the Ontario Building Code.
The main room is approximately 29’ x 30’ (with adjoining storage areas). The area of the main room is approximately 100 m². The main room is served by 3 exits that are 1010 mm wide.
A kitchen is equipped with a fridge, oven, microwave and coffee machine. Cutlery and dishes are not available.
Windows provide a view of the Rideau River and the surrounding park from the main room.
Accessible washrooms and a water fountain located in the entry hall are accessible to the public. Access to this space is provided during daylight hours by volunteers. Maintenance of the washrooms is provided by the City of Ottawa. If these facilities require attention, please call 311.
On-street parking is available.
Public access to a wireless high speed internet connection is available. Join the “Ottawa Free Wifi” network when inside the building or in the park immediately outside to take advantage of the connection. Bandwidth is limited to 4 MB for general public users. Additional bandwidth is available to renters of the facility upon request.
A telephone located in the main room, near the door to the washrooms, permits incoming and outgoing local calls. The unmonitored telephone number is: 613-742-5923.
A floor plan of the Fieldhouse is available here.
Facility Improvement
An ongoing effort to adapt the Fieldhouse building and to update its contents strives to ensure that that this community resource continues to serve the diverse needs of a wide range of users. More information about future improvements to the Fieldhouse are available here.
New Edinburgh Park
The New Edinburgh Fieldhouse is surrounded by New Edinburgh Park – a hub of neighbourhood activity. New Edinburgh Park includes the public space between the Rideau River and Stanley Avenue, from Beechwood Avenue to the forested area downriver from the playing fields. New Edinburgh Park is managed by the City of Ottawa.
(Stanley Park includes the public space further downstream, including the off-leash dog area, to Sussex Drive. Stanley park is managed by the NCC.)
Park facilities immediately adjacent to the Fieldhouse include:
Swings, slides, play structures, shade structure, picnic tables, benches
Sports Facilities
Baseball diamond
Soccer pitch
Basketball court
Two tennis courts
Outdoor fitness circuit
Grass field adjacent to playground and Fieldhouse.
Balls, toys and other equipment available in shared box near the playground
Octagonal shade structure with picnic table and concrete floor, adjacent to splash pad, with views of the park and river.
Splash Pad
Four fresh water water jets out of concrete pad, surrounded with grass, adjacent to gazebo, playing field, playground and Fieldhouse
Crushed stone paths for walking, running along the edge of the Rideau River.
Paved multi-use path adjacent set back from the river for cycling and other activities, serving as an integral part of the Rideau River Eastern Pathway and the regional multi-use path network.
Fieldhouse Reservations
Availability of the Fieldhouse can be confirmed and bookings can be made through the online reservation system.
Fieldhouse Reservation Policies
All users of the New Edinburgh Fieldhouse must agree to the following terms:
$50 per hour with a minimum reservation of 3 hours. All proceeds from rental fees are reinvested into the Fieldhouse, neighbouring facilities and community events. All paid reservations are subject to our refund policy.
The Fieldhouse is available at no cost to not-for-profit groups or individuals offering community-oriented events, especially public events, that are open to everyone, at no cost to participants, that do not generate a profit for an individual or an organization. If you would like to explore this option, please email the CCC with a detailed description of your group and your proposed use before making any reservations in the online booking system.
Payments for reservations are non-refundable. Payments for rentals cancelled within 2 weeks of your reservation date may be transferred to a new booking within 6 months or the original reservation date.
An email is sent to all users of the Fieldhouse (except for recurring users) in the week prior to their reservation date. The email will explain how the user will be able to access the Fieldhouse. Security at the Fieldhouse is maintained with locked doors, a key tracking system, a monitored security system and regular monitoring by an engaged community that make use of the building and the space around it daily.
Public Access
The Fieldhouse is a community building. Exclusive use of the entire building can not be guaranteed. Public access to the entry hall, water fountain and washrooms must be provided via the north door (facing Stanley Avenue) whenever the Fieldhouse is in use, except while the pandemic restrictions are in place. (The entry hall and washrooms can be isolated from the main room and kitchen with a lockable door.)
Maximum capacity is 125 people.