For all advertising inquiries, please contact:
Michelle McLean, Advertising Manager by email at
Fees: A 10 % discount applies to ads purchased and prepaid for a full year (five issues). HST (13%) will be added to the invoiced subtotal. Payment can be made by e-transfer to
Please include your contact information in the e-transfer notes, so our bookkeeper can cross reference your details with our advertising manager to confirm payment.
Electronic Submissions: Send print-ready ads to Preferred file format is high resolution PDF with fonts embedded.

The New Edinburgh News (NEN) is a non- profit community newspaper established in 1976. It is published five times a year by the New Edinburgh Community Alliance (NECA) and is supported by its advertisers.
3,500 copies are distributed free of charge to New Edinburgh residents as well as local schools, libraries and businesses (the area bounded by the Rideau River, Sussex Dr., Lisgar Rd., Maple Lane, Springfield Rd. and Beechwood Ave.).
The New Edinburgh News is also made available online at the New Edinburgh community website:
Publication Dates: October, December, February, April and June. Insertion orders and artwork are due on the 10th of the month prior to publication.
Content Liability: The advertiser assumes all liability for content of any ad and agrees to indemnify the New Edinburgh News and the New Edinburgh Community Alliance and their members from any claims that arise therefore, including the solicitor and advertiser (client) costs and disbursements plus applicable taxes thereon of defending such claims.
First time advertisers: First time ads must be prepaid before publication.
Non-subscription ads: NEN’s Advertiser Manager will send out email reminders to non-subscription advertisers as a courtesy. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to contact the NEN by the published deadline to indicate their desire to run an ad in the upcoming issue.
Subscription ads: Subscriptions are invoiced during the first month after the initial ad appears. The invoice must be paid before the next issue. The guarantee for inclusion in future issues is the receipt of payment.
In arrears advertisers: Any advertiser who is in arrears on submission deadline will have their ad dropped from the upcoming issue.
NEN errors and omissions:
Dropped ads: Occasionally, ads are inadvertently dropped from an issue. If the ad is part of a subscription series, the NEN will extend the end date of the subscription by one issue. If it is a single ad, the advertiser will have the option of being reimbursed or have the ad run in the next issue.
Incorrect ads: The Ad Manager and Editor will together decide how to deal with disgruntled advertisers – from incorrect or poor quality ads—on a case-by-case basis.
Thank you for your generous community support!